I think when the shit hits the fan - we will enter a barter system based on individual assessments and not a gov. approved value system. We saw this in the great manufactured depression 0f 1929 and again in the created banking/housing crisis in 2008. A dentist I know exchanged his service for a gun and other things he needed. When my Dad was growing up during the depression, you could get medical care for a chicken - there was little money where he lived and stores accepted trade. If you were unable to pay but good for it was noted on the due bill or tab which could be paid off with cash or commodities or services. We can't anticipate all possible scenarios - but humans have been around longer than the bankers - their plan was written hundreds of years ago and adjusted where needed. It was and is guided by Satan and installed with fear and control- ours has to be guided by God and carried out with faith, wisdom, and discernment. Discerning truth from lies and the intent of what we are being told is vital to survival. We may not have the answers - but unless we ask the questions and try to understand things instead of just accepting what we are told or things we find it convenient to believe, we will continue to be complicit in their plan, IMHO.

2 Replies
1:17 PM
Mar 6