
10 (MOREā€¦ MOREā€¦) Ways to Get Happier and Healthier:

  1. Be wary of media consumption ā€“ Sure be informed, but if you live your life by the news be prepared for lots of 2nd hand misery. Awful stuff happens every day but a constant reminder isnā€™t a recipe for great mental health.

  2. Take responsibility - Especially when things go wrong. Own your part. You're only human. We all make mistakes. Ownership = Honesty = Better chance to move on.

  3. Go barefoot - Shoes weren't always a thing. Our feet have a crazy amounts of nerves and have been our main contact with the world forever. We lose that with the constant shoe-age. Go barefoot indoors or in your garden; helps balance and stability.

  4. Say thank you - Like an apology, a sincere and honest thank you is a great gift to give. Spoken, texted or even a hand written note (I know crazy concept, right? šŸ™‚)

  5. Teachers - No not Mrs. Etherington from junior school who taught you the value of chickens (or something). But life teachers. Find them at work or in your personal life. In books, podcasts or through coaching.

  6. Find your OWN path - In sort of contradiction to the last point. Follow teachers for knowledge and inspiration but ultimately find your own path. Take what makes sense from others; use it, test it, keep what works, chuck the rest.

  7. Talk banal stuff to strangers - Most people want to connect. Offer that option by talking about whatever seems to work in the situation. Don't be afraid of rejection, it's rare and hardly ever about you. (NOTE: Be context aware; not always appropriate to approach strangers)

  8. You make few logical decisions in life - Don't kid yourself. Even the most seemingly logical, well thought out, decisions are generally based on emotion. Once you see this it's a bit easier to make decisions in life.

  9. Embrace difference - Be it gender, sexuality, skin colour, neuro diversity, mental health, physical disability, country of origin. Whatever. We're all people. All trying to get along in this weird, one shot, thing we call life. Give people a chance. Ask a question if you're not sure. Ask it respectfully. Get a better perspective. Be more human.

  10. Do 'talking pace' cardio - Lots of it. Walking, cycling, jogging, swimming. At a speed where you can hold a conversation (just). One of THE best ways to ward off ill health and aging.

(If you enjoyed these tips thereā€™s more in the last 2 days notes:ā€¦ā€¦

And 10 more tomorrowā€¦)

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12:44 PM
Jun 19, 2024