This is soooo bad. The uS government and Columbia University, and likely the entire apparatus of American academia are becoming enforcement arms of Zionist fascism.
The fundamental problem with progressivism — and I say this as someone who was a leftist for my entire life, until maybe five years ago—is that progressives want there to be a different reality than the one that is, and become angered when confronted with reality, and blame whoever is presenting that reality to them for being the perpetrator of whatever unpleasant or imperfect reality presented.
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“Rural America is a colony, and its economy is a colonial economy. The business of America has been largely and without apology the plundering of rural America, from which everything of value—minerals, timber, farm animals, farm crops, and ‘labor’—has been taken at the lowest possible price.”
Wendell Berry
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"So in many cases, solutions that might actually work are politically excluded, because of western ideology about the causes and remedies for conflict, as well as the range of aesthetically-pleasing permitted outcomes. It is a commonplace of western Liberal thinking that “lasting peace” is based on all sorts of good things like democracy, human rights, inclusivity, the suppression of corruption, multi-party political systems etc. "
The West cares nothing for these things, except to the extent th…
Exactly, the extraction was helpful to me. I did a very rough touch up, so it needs more work than I can spare.
""It is a commonplace "lie" of western Liberal thinking that “lasting peace” is based on all sorts of gimcrackery like pseudo-democracy (used to disarm and suppress the masses), human rights (used to promote privilege) , inclusivity (used to suppress individuality), the suppression of corruption (used to suppress exposure of corruption), multi-party political systems (used as puppet shows), etc. ""