I believe if a person who normally gets up early, say 6:30, and one day sleeps unusually late (7:30) it's because their body needs it. Your off behavior all day tells me your body was off. Perhaps you were coming down with something. Thankfully, you live a healthy lifestyle & your body was able to fight it. Or, perhaps not 'sick' but perhaps PMS. Again, your body would be a bit out of wack. As a follower, I am grateful for your honesty with this post & sharing your imperfections. I see you as a very type A+ personality. I am a type C-, ha! Not really, but definitely a type B with room for improvement. However, I recognize those areas and am always striving to improve. I am old enough to be your mother, but you are such an inspiration. Thank you & have a wonderful day!

Jan 27
10:27 AM