‘ ...he knows full well that the president doesn’t direct judge’s rulings in cases.’ Nope. I’m guessing he has no real understanding of rules, laws, surrounding his tenure in the White House. I firmly believe that he was, and still is, a useful idiot for the far right.
Surely, surely, there is a legal remedy if, god forbid, he is re-elected, he cannot be, but how can he be the front runner on the right? Blows me away.
And, he will violate the gag order, likely tomorrow...
Dianne, Many Republicans are asking themselves the same question as you have posed: 'god forbid if he is re-elected, he cannot be, but how can he be the front runner on the right?' They are recognizing that he is more than a doofus. He is a violent 'wanna be' mafia don, who would be a dictator for life if he could be re-elected. We must stop him. It is a bit short-sighted that these Republicans put all of their money on him. More than that, they were fooled by a 'here comes Slick and Slicker co…
What is confounding is your observation “that Republicans are asking the same question Dianne posed.” Where have they been and why haven’t they asked themselves these questions years ago, say at the time of his first impeachment? As I have written previously, the majority of Republicans have been and are complicit enablers in bringing us to this moment. They thought they could escape having to confront this ugly truth of his disgraceful conduct and abuse.