The app for independent voices

Great piece, and dead on!

My wife has PTSD from the way I have been targeted and attacked for speaking against CRT here in Vermont. The attackers are toxic, vicious, lying people with serious mental health problems and a deranged misunderstanding of reality. Yet they want to rule the world and crush anyone who questions them.

Yet I know of people here who have endured worse, and who were vulnerable to job or business loss (I'm a farmer so I'm immune). I have learned two important lessons that this commentary affirms:

1) Don't be silenced. As James Lindsay says. "They call you a racist when they want you to shut up." Don't -- talk more and louder. Since I have the facts and law on my side (and I'm an attorney), I simply keep writing and proving they are manipulating statistics and seeding racism. And the attackers have mostly gone silent -- they can't shut me up, and they can't win an argument. So they try to deplatform and ignore me..... Bullies seek vulnerability and people to victimize, not people who stand up to them.

2) It is imperative that we counter their toxicity with tolerance, and not stoop to their level. I embrace their free speech rights -- the more they speak, the more they prove themselves to be deluded, uninformed morons. (Just sayin'....)

Jan 29, 2024
2:16 PM