There are three kinds of people when it comes to dealing with the problem of Time: the unsatisfied, the hedonist, and the appreciative.

  • The unsatisfied looks only ahead and lives for milestones. When one milestone is reached another takes its place. It's the Myth of Sisyphus all over again only he believes the torment will end with each ascent.

  • The hedonist cares not for tomorrow and plunges himself in pleasures. Eventually he ends up bored or worse mentally and physically ruined. We've seen way too many examples of that unfortunately.

  • The appreciative however has his feet planted firmly in the present while gazing in a potentially bright future. He appreciates each moment with his family while knowing it won't last forever. He runs and hikes and swims, fully immersed while accepting that his body will one day break down.

Regardless of your type, change is inevitable. The sky, the sea and the mountains will always be there. It is us that will one day disappear.

But eternity exists in impermanence.

Plan ahead and never miss a moment of the present.

Be grateful.

Aug 22
5:25 PM