We have become so detached from the act of writing.

I can’t tell how many times I’ve had friends tell me, after I had suggested they should start writing:

“Oh no, I could never write like you do”

“How do you do this? I don’t have the patience”

“No way. My writing way too bad for people to read”

“I’m just not philosophically inclined so I can’t write”

What? Who said anything about philosophy?

That’s a shame really because I used to be like this about a year ago. I used to think I had to be perfect from the get go.

But it all comes down to the moment of realization that it doesn’t really matter. Many Substack writers write simply as a way of keeping a journal or a collection of thoughts or to satisfy a sudden burst of ideas. So can anyone.

You’ll probably suck at the beginning. So what? You won’t suck after six months if you put your mind to it.

You’ll probably not reach C. S. Lewis levels of articulation or Dostoevsky levels of drama, but ask yourself: is that really the purpose of writing?

Get out there. Write for YOU. Make it a habit and train yourself in written thought.

And the most beautiful thing? Once you start there is no stopping it.

Let truth guide your words and trust that you’ll find the way soon enough.

Sep 8
4:43 PM