
Subscribe’s my submission this week. Mornings are (for me) quiet times - brewing coffee, doing the crossword, watching the sun rise and the world around me open up to a new day. But, it is hardly the kind of thing that I can capture (I don’t do selfies). But these offerings are a bit of that flavor - a heron reflected on a still pond (while await the first golfers to come through and give me their scores), watching the clock at our golf course for my time, watching the sun rise at the bottom of the world (Puerto Arenas), watching the sun light up Mount Hood with the first rays from the east, and watching the sun light up the clouds above Sandia Mountain (Albuquerque, NM). As the song goes, these are a few of my favorite things.

Photo Challenge - Morning
This week’s challenge is open to interpretation, encouraging creativity and personal expression. The goal is to convey what "morning" means to you.
0 Restacks
11:10 AM
Sep 21, 2024