A comment I just wrote in response to a Note by Daniel Pinchbeck:

As someone who doesnā€™t plan to vote, Iā€™ll say a couple thingsā€¦

Trumpā€™s statement that Christians would ā€œnot have to vote againā€ in the future was ambiguous and could easily be interpreted to simply mean he is going to make things so good that weā€™ll be in a great place moving forward and it wonā€™t be so important to get out and vote. He later confirmed thatā€™s what he (half-jokingly) meant:

I donā€™t like Trump either but he has already been in office for 4 years and we did not see anything remotely close to ā€˜Hitlerā€™-type behavior. The data is right there. He was already POTUS. He wasnā€™t killing or imprisoning people. Vance has also clearly stated that they support the peaceful transfer of power. So I feel this alarmist narrative is overblown.

The Democrats themselves have a glaring authoritarian, censoring, warmongering shadow that you seem to not want to look at. They dress it up in a more palatable costume, but they are also slimy. It is not at all clear which ā€˜stick of dynamiteā€™ā€”Dems or Repsā€”will do more damage or uncover more gold over the long-term after being dropped into the mine shaft of a 21st-century America-in-decline. It is simply unknowable. There are way too many factors and variables.

Your statement that billions will die in the next decade (without massive coordination) is also very extreme, Daniel. You have a doomsaying tendency that feels more rooted in a shadow of yours than in reality. Donā€™t underestimate how convenient a ā€˜giant, invisible threatā€™ like a ā€˜CO2 crisisā€™ or a ā€˜pandemicā€™ is for propagandists who would (unconsciously) leverage these ā€˜unprecedented emergenciesā€™ to push forward nefarious agendas. I am not saying there is no climate crisis or that Covid was not realā€”just that there is a strong chance these events have been severely overblown so as to be weaponized. The narrative you are pushing basically implies that large-scale (force-based) intervention by gargantuan governments is our only hopeā€”do you see the danger there? Do you see how disempowering this narrative is for the average individual?

I agree with you that this Earth and its people are in great need of help, but no politician is going to save us. We give our true power away by over-fixating on ā€˜votingā€™ (for one of two joke options that do not reflect the real will of the people). Real solutions will largely come from outside of politicsā€”and perhaps trickle into politics over time. Upstream of everything else is Divinity. Only by truly, directly reconnecting to Divine Love, being transformed by it, and letting it guide us to enact our dharma and create the world our hearts want to see, will this world fundamentally change.

Iā€™ll be publishing longer essays on this soon if anyone is curious. Best wishes to all. šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ’™

Oct 11
8:25 AM