Yesterday I went down a rabbit hole of the Prophet Muhammad’s family tree and descendants, and am struck—in a new way, more than I have been previously—by the personal losses he felt in his life. He lost three of his four daughters during his own lifetime, in addition to his sons in their infancy. No wonder my Muslim friends turn to him in their own distress. And I myself find inspiration in the stories of him still trying to bring joy to others—and to cultivate joy in himself—in the face of his grief.
In 2022, I was invited on a podcast to answer this question. But at the end of the conversation, I proposed another question that Christians should be asking about Jesus and Islam—one that I think is better, or at least more illuminating, for learning about Muslims’ faith. Listen and read here:
The recurrence of this question has helped me realize that we’ve overlooked something important in Muslim-Christian bridge-building.