
The app for independent voices

“Man’s unique grandeur is ultimately based on his capacity to know the truth.

And human beings desire to know the truth.

Yet truth can only be attained in freedom.”

- Pope Benedict XVI

Growing up our family had a cottage located along Lake Huron in Michigan. As a young child I recall waking up early mornings and I would see my Grandmother sitting in the big green chair. Bible sitting on the one arm and a note pad on her lap with her writing something down. One morning I asked my grandmother what she was doing. “Writing a letter to God.”

As a child I didn’t fully understand what she meant. I was too young to understand the importance of prayer and trusting in God though all thi…

So awesome to see my name and my book advertised outside my hometown bookstore!!

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Detail of “The Last Supper” by Chen Yuandu

EMERGENCY THREAD: Messi Is Actually Leaving Barcelona This Time, According to Barcelona

So is Grealish to City off?? Does that impact their other moves? WHAT IS GOING ON

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Aug 5, 2021
6:12 PM