As the United States withdraws from institutions like NATO and diminishes its role in global security arrangements, we’ll see if the result is a safer, freer, and more stable world.
Si algo se le da bien a la izquierda española es convertir en dominante una narrativa. Cinco años después del inicio de la pandemia que produjo más de 121.000 muertes en España (durante el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez) el debate gira en torno a los muertos de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Y esto después de las cuarentenas, de los estados de alarma inconstitucionales, de los pasaportes de vacunación, de las restricciones a la libertad de movimiento y de reunión, de las mentiras con las mascarillas y las c…
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
I'm a 54 yr old veteran, Desert Storm veteran. I have served in the federal government for the last 17 yrs. I live and work in DC.
If this does not scare the crap out of you then you are a fool. Just a fool.
The supposed "insurrection" was a joke. 5000 ppl manage to basically walk over or past Capital security. Nobody who was not a protester was hurt. No fires were set. Some of the supposed leaders are known mental patients.
As someone who lives here, I can tell you that if you want to bump off a …
No, I'm sorry but you either love your country and fight for the ideals you believe in or not. If the freedoms we have here disappear they will vanish from Earth. I can't say I respect your decision to abandon the Nation your ancestors fought to create, defend and uphold. Serving the corrupt system instead of finding solutions to repair it and then abandoning it when it needs you most. How long will these ideals last on planet Earth if they die here? This is a Democratic Republic and it mus…
There is no doubt that moral courage is the virtue which is more needed than any other in the modern democratic state, and that truckling to popularity is the worst political vice. The press, the platform, and the pulpit have all fallen under this vice, and there is evidence that the university also, which ought to be the last citadel of truth, is succumbing to it likewise.
Interesting how relevant parts of this speech are today. Thanks for sharing, I'm enjoying reading it.