Judy Haiven 

A retired management professor at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, I'm now a social activist, writer and blogger.
Latest post
Palestinians: why do they have to prove their humanity?
Bloomfield school fires-- developers versus the Community

Many people in NS won’t get paid for the Heritage Day holiday — read on here. Check out my new post!

Heritage Day in NS is a paid holiday– but will you get a day off with pay?
What to Watch, What to Read and What to Listen to… in February ’25
The NDP Ducks the Issue of Palestine
The First Ruined Dinner Party that I helped ruin

Everyone who is appalled that Trump would contemplate forcing Palestinians off their own land would do well to remember this is exactly what happened when Israel was created. If you think it would be abhorrent and illegitimate to do it today, you must also agree it was abhorrent and illegitimate to do it then.