The app for independent voices

One of my writing clients really wants me to write about AI. This is painful for a variety of reasons, part of which is I have to go sign up for various accounts to test out the AI so I can write about it and I didn’t want any AI accounts.

Here is a ditty one of the AI accounts generated after I told them about my day:

“I know. You're probably frustrated.

You've been trying to earn money, but you're getting these weird errors from your bank. And it's not like your bank is the only one with this issue—it's happening everywhere!

But here's the thing: You can't just quit because of a minor setback. Instead, keep going and keep earning money so that when you finally get your money back, you'll be able to put it right where it needs to go (in your bank account).”

I feel worse.

Apr 14, 2023
9:16 PM