Anyone else worried about what Substack is turning into? My understanding was that it used to be a place for nerds like you and me to try our hand at writing. But it seems that within five minutes from now it’s going to be essentially another crowd funding hub for videos and audio which I fear will drown out the written word.
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
While we are on the topic of social skills, they never came easily to me! I had to teach myself. The biggest opportunity area for most frustrated single men is social skills- which unlike age or height, can be changed. So here’s my guide!
If Trump said this, he will be re-elected in 2024, 100% this is all he has to say to get all people to support him, for we were hurt & have hovered between total despair & boiling anger for 2.5 years
Dear Dr. Paul Alexander. PLEASE.
Your profoundly valuable message gets diluted to NOTHING, EVERY TIME you try to paint a political person or party as the cause for all this destruction. This transcends parties that are all equally captured, this transcends ALL political leaders that have been shown to be puppets. Your, what must be naive or else paid-opposition, view that Trump was good for the USA or would have handled the covid differently is laughable. Your inane hope that some of the ma…
I respect Dr. Alexander. He is stating the truth about the vaccines. He is also an educated and wise man. Every day he is on here telling the truth and saving lives. I have never heard or seen Dr. Alexander call anyone ‘stupid’.
Under President Trump the economy was great, prescription drug prices were lower, he had executive orders and funding to stop human trafficking, he did not start any wars, he is not a globalist, etc. He is not perfect. No one is. I also have seen the evidence of …
Sadly the same is true for DeSantis even though he seems to be among the most upstanding folk in US politics he may not be able to follow through when/if he gets into the hot seat. Notice how the really nice people want nothing to do with politics after they leave the office, thinking now of Mrs Obama. Not sure if Trump wanted to do the right thing but if that was the case he had no defences against the system. He claimed not to want to run and then some little birdy whispered in his ear that he could win if he ran and he forgot his ethics and morals when it came time to sell the people down the river.