
For anyone struggling to keep up with notes/ feeling a little busy or overwhelmed.

I responded with this comment on one of

notes and thought to reshare here for anyone else.

Often our experiences of the apps are based on our relationship TO it rather than the app itself,

These apps (Substack, insta, fb, etc) are of course all going to eventually if not already, become noisy, and there will inevitably be many “things” to keep up with.

We can absolutely bang on about “how busy Substack is getting” or how “instagrams algorithm is shit” (it totally is, and also can be rewarding to some)

OR we can

  1. Pivot, up our skill set, learn the rules and play the game if we are going to choose to be here

  2. OR we can really reflect on our relationship to these apps, and our relationship to ourselves in regards to showing up on social media wherever that is.

On Substack, when you feel overwhelmed - find your center and write. It’s what we are here for.

Come back to the original intention

Some questions I feel many of us could reflect on regularly and may be helpful

How do I feel about marketing/sales. Do I approach this with judgement or curiosity.

How do I feel about too many people. Do I believe it to be “bad” or “good.” Is there a way I can have my perspective serve my well-being better?

How do I feel about feeling lost within a sea of writers, or not being seen. Do I need to learn new skills and claim my space in a different way?

Do I feel the need to support all my friends by reading 10 full articles and commenting meaningful reflections or can I allow myself to simply be a creator here sometimes.

Do I believe success comes with or without showing up in notes

How do I feel if inevitably more people find Substack, and it gets busier, can I hold myself in that and still stay centered. Can I embrace the oncoming community with my open arms so more people feel home here? Can I trust it doesn’t have to drown me out?

Can I use Substack differently to other apps, and challenge the habits of consuming rather than intentionally creating?

Can I challenge the idea of needing to be involved all the time, in order to stay relevant, or to have success here….

Could Substack be the space that nourishes my life, creative energy, bank account , while honouring my boundaries, intention, and claiming a slower pace? Can we anchor a culture in that feels more wholesome?
