“America may seem stupid right now, but capital is smart, and capital understands what’s going on.” Great insights from a man who knows when something is trending down.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kindness and encouragement, both personally and in these social media streets. So very proud of The Reidout @joy.msnbc.com team, who are truly family, and all of our supporters & friends. See you tomorrow night at 7 ET, one more time ‼️
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Please follow my page as much as possible. I get my information directly from my CDC sources some were sadly fired last week, but others remain inside, risking everything to keep me informed about Bird Flu.
I report on Bird Flu, COVID-19, Tuberculosis, Measles, and other infectious diseases.
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I’m no constitutional law scholar, but shouldn’t the Democratic members of congress be filing for restraining orders to stop each of the illegal (meaning contrary to the constitution or federal statutes) acts of Trump or his proxies? Why are they leaving it to the states and individual citizens?