
This legislative session, Tennessee enacted a new law, SB1059, that puts restrictions on book vendors selling materials in the state. It’s not as draconian as Texas’s or Mississippi’s–yet. It is limited to sales at public K-12 schools, and I’ve linked to more information about the bill below.

But it appears as though the Tennessee Regional Library System, a state network that helps provide funding to small and midsize public libraries across the state, is trying to push through restrictions on library collections. This is not part of the above bill nor any other bill passed in session. Instead, it seems to be using an arcane law on the books in the state to claim that funding can be withheld from public libraries who distribute “child pornography” or “obscene materials.”

Does anyone know anything about this? I’ve acquired the page from the annual agreement that libraries must sign in order to receive funding from the Tennessee Regional Library System. There is little context here for it, and the webpage for this state agency does not include this page anywhere in their documents. It is not in their annual agreement paperwork, so I am unclear where or how it is being used.

If you are or know anyone who might have information, please be in touch. I’d like to ensure those across the state and the country know what’s going on and how it might or might not impact them. You are welcome and encouraged to share this note far + wide.

My email is if you’d prefer to reach out privately.

0 Restacks
6:33 PM
Jul 25, 2023