Ken Opalo 

Associate Professor at Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
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On American aid cuts/disruptions

I scraped 1361 publicly available posts by thirteen of

’s most popular economics/investment bloggers – , , , , , , , , , , , and – to identify which countries are most in the spotlight.

Unsurprisingly, China and the US came out on top, with Russia in third place. But G20-host South Africa and, surprisingly, Argentina attract far less attention.

South Africa's fading relevance

Just hit 20,000 subscribers on

across 177 countries! Thanks to all my readers!

What explains the “ambition gap” among Africa’s (ruling) elites?

Somaliland has a strong case for independence. But now might not be the best time to recognize Hargeisa.

International recognition for Somaliland should be conditioned on concrete economic and political reforms.

International recognition for Somaliland should be conditioned on concrete economic and political reforms