
My feed is filled with a lot of “Im still with Biden posts”, and I appreciate the effort.

Cards on the table, I think Biden is a good president and I think a lot of the topics the Right complains about are not controlled by the executive branch.

But after a few days, and reading a lot of those posts, I still think Biden should step aside.

It's not really about being too old to govern, or worrying about his age over the next four years.

It's that I think he has a 0% chance of winning now.

I keep A6 apolitical as a strategy, but I very much worry about the Nazification of MAGA. I met a guy on Friday who was fairly alarming on this front.

So, as a voter, my top priority is preventing MAGA from reaching the white house. And now, I think Trump cruises if everything stays the same.

That being said, I'm from a red state and I live in a red state, so I do think I overestimate MAGA.

Maybe the “I'm still with Biden” should be more about defending his legacy in the years to come.

That's my Sunday morning opinion.
