
How can we support writers here if we can’t afford to be a paid subscriber?

Few people here can afford to pay for every Substack they like. But there are other ways to provide tangible support to writers you like beyond payment.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Interact with the work. By “liking” and commenting you can help the publication get discovered by other readers. Also, I’m not sure many readers understand how much it means to a writer to see that their work is connecting with readers. Just hitting that ❤️ or making a comment or restacking their post or note can make a writer’s day.

  2. Share the work with others. If you enjoyed a post, others probably will too. Email it to friends, share on Notes or other social media you use.

  3. Let the writer know how their work has affected or benefitted you. This could be done in a comment on a post or in an appreciation post on notes.

These are just a few ideas of non-monetary things we can all do to support writers. Let me know if I missed any and I’ll update the note.


Use the “recommend” feature to encourage your readers to check out other Substack publications you like.

—If they have published a book, ask your local library if they’d stock it 📚
