
I’ve seen arguments for Trump that are very confusingly worded for a high school student such as myself to understand, often dealing with economic policies and such. I doubt they are true, but I honestly don’t know as they confuse me. So in moments like these, I naturally question whether or not the authors might have a point, or begin wondering if I’m on the wrong side.

In moments like these, however, I like to step back and think of what I’ve seen Trump do or say that were as blunt as a hammer.

He mocked disabled people.

He insulted a heroic veteran in his own party by saying, “I prefer my heroes not captured.”

He insulted veterans yet again by degrading the Medal of Honor below the status of Presidential Medal of Freedom since the Medal of Honor recipients are “either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead.”

He and his campaign turned a recent visit to the sacred grounds of Arlington Cemetery into a political stunt.

He tried to ban Muslim refugees from entering this country.

He supported the separation of migrant families at the border, leaving innocent children, regardless of what their parents had done, in hellish conditions.

He claimed wildfires were caused by exploding trees.

He thought nuking a hurricane would work (if his genius sharpie rewrite method didn’t work first).

He not only failed to properly address COVID, but he encouraged his supporters to disobey COVID restrictions, making it worse. He sowed irreparable distrust against doctors and the scientific community as a whole, along with the vaccines they made. He also encouraged the use of dangerous alternative treatments. His administration’s failure to handle the disease likely got far more people killed than would have otherwise, my own grandfather included.

He has promised to be a “dictator on day one” if he gets reelected.

He has been convicted of 34 felonies.

He has been found liable of sexual abuse in a case where E. Jean Carroll accused him of rape.

He started selling Bibles, profiting off of religion, when his legal troubles were costing him too much.

He’s refused to be honest about his business dealings and taxes.

He has lied well over 30,000 times.

He had over 100 classified documents in his possession after leaving office, then began turning his supporters against the FBI when they took the documents back.

He has exploited and taken advantage of the government, religion, and his own supporters shamelessly, profiting off of them with merch and pretending to love God.

He paid hush money to a porn star during his first campaign to keep her quiet about the affair they had when his trophy wife was pregnant with his son.

He created massive distrust against the election process, the backbone of democracy, by baselessly claiming an election was rigged.

He condemned violence caused by a political movement he disagreed with, but then incited a mob to storm the Capitol with intentions of killing other government officials, including his own vice president, to keep his petty ass in office. When they attacked, he dragged his feet to release an official statement, and when he finally did ask the rioters to stop, he told them, “We love you.” Mind you they were still hunting his vice president at the time he said that.

He has isolated his supporters in a trapping “us vs them” mentality, furthering them into a twisted cult of personality, widening the divide between them and their friends and family. He has radicalized so many people who believe they’re being patriotic or religious into agreeing with sick and vile ideas.

Donald Trump is a traitor, a criminal, a rapist, a liar, a cheater, a con artist, a bigot, and a fake. I am damn near convinced there isn’t a single good bone in his body (nor a single bone spur). All he has done is spearhead the Republican Party’s radicalization and helped polarize a nation. He has exploited America, patriotism, religion, and you time and time again. There is nothing remotely confusing about any of that, unlike every argument I’ve ever heard supporting the guy.

And if you can support him after all that, that is beyond me.

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114 Restacks
4:46 AM
Aug 29, 2024