So the Iranians informed Turkyië, UAE, and other countries of the attack, 72 hours in advance. Turkyië, and others, invariably notified the US and Israel in turn. Couple that with the flight time of the drones (3-4 hours), Israel and friends had plenty of time to spool up their radars, missiles, and battle plans. Despite all that, four sites (military, not civilian) were hit, without casualties. Not to mention that the sites hit were involved in Israel's attack on the Iranian Consulate in Damascus. That tells me: the drones and cruise missiles were pawns, and the ballistic missiles were the true weapons of choice. Israel's battle plans and systems are crap against second tier ballistic missiles. See also Ukraine.

China would be better off blockading Taiwan by sea and air to restore Taiwan. No reason to kill their own people. Many people I've had dinner with in Taipei and Kaohsiung believe reuniting with China proper is inevitable, and several say desirable.

3 Replies
5:33 PM
Apr 17