
Play Substack Like A Video Game If You Wanna Grow In The Next 6-Months

Level up, increase the difficulty, and grow.

Beginner Mode.

  • Post 1x Weekly Newsletter.

Intermediate Mode.

  • Post 1x Weekly Newsletter.

  • Post 3-5 Weekly Notes.

Advanced Mode.

  • Post 1x Weekly Newsletter.

  • Post 1x Daily Notes.

  • Engage, While Reading Notes/Posts.

Expert Mode.

  • Post 1x Weekly Newsletter.

  • Post 1-3x Daily Notes.

  • Post 10x Daily Comments.


  • Post 1x Weekly Newsletter.

  • Post 1-3x Daily Notes.

  • Post 10x Daily Comments.

  • Generate 'Recommendations'

  • Optimize Your Brand Theme.

  • Leverage Substack To Build Email List.

Like a video game.

You start at level one, on beginner mode.

When you increase difficulty too fast, you die, and it's not fun. While the stakes here aren't that high, we instead burnout, struggle with consistency, and lose our passion.


  • The point of a game is to have fun.

  • You don't need to increase the difficulty.

  • When the 'game' is no longer fun we stop playing.

The secret to long-term success in this content creation game is finding the sweet spot where we can be consistent while keeping it fun.


10 replies
9 Restacks
3:04 PM
Aug 22, 2024