I’ve got a lot of personalized feedback on this one. Thanks to everyone who has reached out to share their own stories of achievement, persistence, and getting &*^% done.
Fantastic analysis of an under discussed narrative structure.
If I’ve been quiet this week, it’s because I’m head down on a difficult writing task: writing the d'var (sermon) for my bat mitzvah ceremony this Saturday (!).
As tough as the writing has been, it’s been a good reminder of how to muscle past the blank page. It isn’t rocket science. It’s just process.
Any interest in a short article with some tried-and-true tips from a journalist on how to break writer's block?
Re-upping this interview I did last week with Rabbi David Gerber about the art of dialogue, including how and why to have conversations with those we disagree, and what happens when we can't any longer.
My favorite gem: “We should go into every argument, every discussion, with the hope of being proven wrong. Because if you are proven wrong, you're one step closer to truth.”
Mikhail Bulgakov and Joseph Heller are two of my forever faves. Great picks!