I’ll read it a bit later when I get a chance.

One thought that often runs through my head....in reaction to what goes on in the education, energy, health, etc. sectors....

“Why do we insist on making things so complicated? Seriously, life is pretty simple and straightforward when you strip it back to the brass tacks.”

I am of the mindset now that those making it so damn complex and hard, even in trying to understand this upside down inside our world we are currently in, are the ones creating the problems and then selling us solutions that create more problems.

As a whole humanity needs to get back to basics and keep some things simple. That is, stop indulging the damn experts who grab onto that title in part out of a lack of respect for individuals having the right to be an expert in their own life regarding choices and how to live.

I can bet that what I hold dear in life....simple pleasures that do not pollute, harm, destroy the world and others are not something most of the experts within and outside the MFM hold dear.

Sorry, just where I have landed after months of reading and watching the machinations....we have become our own sideshow in the whole affair.

If I am to listen to what my spirit and soul is saying, feeling, experiencing....well, it is no longer inspired. Not defeated per se....but am acknowledging the need to turn inward.

When I ask why? It is part in recognition of the realization that there is no end in sight. And even those who say “enough” and “no more” are feeding the soulless energy by stomping and grandstanding rather than honoring the inner strength to just stop.

Wish that that was what the MFM could stand for....a global sit in. No more talk, words, trips across the world to talk to more politicians, yada, yada, yada.

Just stop. We need to own our power, not try to rehabilitate those who are claiming it as theirs.

Apr 12, 2023
4:02 PM