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Laurie Hwang
Ex-consultant turned into a startup hustler. Love reading, writing, yoga, traveling, drinking coffee/wine. 지금은 당근마켓에서 사업개발을 하고 있습니다. 되는대로 한국어랑 영어 글 둘다 쓸 생각이에요.
190 subscribers
Laurie’s Newsletter
By Laurie Hwang
Things to remember from daily work/life
Reads (12)
Laurie Hwang
May 15
I am driving in the dark without knowing where I’m going, but there will be shooting stars. I’m going to be nervous. I’m going to be afraid. I’m going to feel like I’m doing it wrong. But miracles are waiting for me. I won’t tell scary stories that block me from those miracles.
Heather Havrilesky
Laurie Hwang
Apr 8
Laurie’s Newsletter
당근🥕 해외 사업 소개 자리에 여러분을 초대합니다💌
Laurie Hwang
Mar 2
living in uncertain territory expands your ability to breathe in joy. Most of what I love about my life right now grew out of bewildering periods of not knowing much, and most of what I learned grew out of admitting how little I knew.
Heather Havrilesky
Laurie Hwang
Feb 18
It’s easy to learn, but it’s even easier to forget. You forget because it’s so simple. You need to be reminded constantly, because you forget every day, every hour, how to exist in the world without feeling erased. So as you read my recommendations to you about how to feel real, I want you to remember that every step of the way is slow.
Heather Havrilesky
Laurie Hwang
Jan 28, 2024
I have begun to think of work- and household-related tasks not as a nebulous array of never-ending things to be done, but as specific jobs with clearly defined start and end points. The amount of work required to complete each one is finite, so it seems logical that doing them is just a matter of effort. If one action marks the “start” and another the “end,” it’s all on me to move as swiftly between those two points as I can. Why drag it out?
Katherine Johnson Martinko
Laurie Hwang
Dec 29, 2023
the essence of everything is showing up, not being in control.
You are not in control. You can’t control the future or rewrite the past. You have to show up for what’s here, in the present, and feel your way through this moment — which is, no coincidence, the key to happiness.
Heather Havrilesky
Laurie Hwang
Dec 26, 2023
Complete understanding of another human is not a requirement or prerequisite for love or friendship or a lifelong close relationship.
Heather Havrilesky
Laurie Hwang
Dec 14, 2023
Laurie’s Newsletter
사업개발 혹은 BD, 그게 도대체 뭔데?
Laurie Hwang
Jul 16, 2023
Laurie’s Newsletter
츤데레가 필요한 이유 (Reasons Why We Need More "Tsunderes")
Laurie Hwang
Jul 5, 2023
bookbear express
Laurie Hwang
Heather Havrilesky
May 3, 2023
Ask Polly
Accepting Differences
Laurie Hwang
Dec 27, 2022
Laurie’s Newsletter
7. 영국사업 회고록 + Epilogue
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