The app for independent voices

Last night, I got a bug in my ear. This is not a metaphor. I was visiting a neighbor, and while I was driving home, I could hear the insect making a racket in my head. It sounded like a moth battering against a light bulb. I cried out in the car and in the house I ran to Richard and said, "There's a bug in my ear." He looked up what to do. Every time I felt the moth hitting the light bulb of my brain or eardrum, I mean it's hard to be specific in a situation like this, I cried out. Richard said, "Pull back your ear and bend your head down, and see if you can shake it out." After a bit, I felt something crawling out, a feeling like a thin trickle of liquid. Richard saw it. A tiny ant! So tiny, you can't believe it. He crushed it and there it was on his finger. So tiny and so noisy. This is not a metaphor.

Jun 6
12:45 PM