
Okay, so originally I wanted to use this photo for the illuminate photo challenge but I didn’t think it was eligible for the theme, but when

suggested it I thought you know what, permission to change my mind and go back to my original intention with it. I love that we get to do that in life, pivot and switch gears, change our mind about something, do something new, adapt our beliefs. Let this serve as a reminder that we are allowed to change, to grow, to adapt, to shape shift ~ and sometimes that may not make sense to others, perhaps it may even bring about judgement, but how beautiful it is to witness one another bloom in new ways, sometimes unexpected ones, and give space for metamorphosis. Just like how the sky and clouds show us each day that change can be beautiful too ☁️.

So here’s my new submission


A breathtaking moment on the beach taking in the colours, shapes, and textures that truly served as a balm for my soul.

Photo Challenge - Illuminate
This challenge may seem strange or even hard, but I promise you that it isn’t. For the sake of this challenge, we’ll call it light play. Play with light to produce any kind of photo that you want.