One of the original notebooks that can be found in Oxford: Kafka’s early story ‘The Judgment’ (‘Das Urteil’), written on the night of September 22-23, 1912, in a single sitting, which was unusual even for his writing process. This rapid creation likely contributed to the story's raw emotional power and dreamlike quality.

The short line and cryptic calculations on the right marks the end of the story. Below it, Kafka writes: ‘Diese Geschichte "Das Urteil" habeich (sic) in der Nacht vom 22 zum 23 von 10 Uhr abends bis 6 Uhr früh in einem Zug geschrieben.‘ (meaning: ‘I wrote this story, "The Judgment," in one go during the night from the 22nd to the 23rd, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.’).

Aug 4
6:44 PM