I am in my sixth decade riding this mortal coil, and "my" government has been at war, in one place or another, my entire life.

To a large extent, my political awakening and anti-war views were forged watching the evacuation of Saigon. I was still but a child, but I will never forget it.

We had family and friends that fought and died in that war, and when the choppers took off from the embassy several were in our living room watching it unfold. There was much sobbing as the shock of it sunk in.

Only years later, after reading books such as John Paul Vann's *A Bright Shining Lie*, did I understand the enormity of the catastrophe and the criminality of the mountebanks that led us into it.

In the years following I learned that every single war the US has engaged in, save the Revolutionary, and perhaps the Korean, was based on blatant lies and were to a large extent orchestrated by our rulers.

Of all the laudable things that Trump has promised, I hope and pray that he will stop these wars, withdraw all US troops to our own soil, and dismantle the machinery that has cost our nation so much blood and treasure for so long.

Let us hope that enough is finally enough.

2 Replies
12:15 AM
Nov 12