If this info wasn’t classified, that in itself would be a scandalous screw-up that must be explained.
And if it was classified, then the Trump administration lied to Congress and to the American people.
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
Meta raked in $8B thanks to Trump’s first tax cuts. It donated $1M to Trump’s inauguration. Comcast got $6.6B. It donated $1M to his inauguration. Bank of America got $24B in tax subsidies, and you guessed it, donated to Trump’s inauguration. This is who Trump governs for.
Critical Drinker’s reviews are excellent and he deserves all his fandom and more. He understands modern cinema and what’s wrong with it better than almost any critic today. The problem he has, one that a great critic like Poe would never have had to worry about, is that while he gets what’s off with modern storytelling, he’s unfamiliar with any other kind. He’s never shown any evidence of being deeply grounded in his own culture, even when he’s aware that others are, as when he references Tolkien. Having no real background in myth or older literature or religion, the best he can do is to try to make a good version of the bad stuff he decries. He’s a bit like an amateur mortician who knows he could put better makeup on a corpse if given the chance.
Also, I hope Steven Segal keeps making movies just so Space Ice can stay in business.