
#meetthewriter with

Handwriting - Describe or show us your handwriting. Do you like writing by hand?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

To me, the feel of a pen and the side of my hand gliding across paper is a soothing one. Writing by hand help me slow my thoughts and mind, to pause and reflect. Most of my writing stars with pen and paper, before getting typed up (if necessary). My hand writing can be fairly neat and legible; or a rushed scrawl if the emotions or thoughts are flowing strong and quick.

It saddens me that cursive writing is no longer being taught in our school systems, as a requirement in elementary schools. I wonder how many young potential writers will have their words stifled or miss out on the physical and creative pleasures of handwriting. Yes, some writers prefer to type, but there are those like me for whom cursive writing is the doorway for their thoughts and emotions to flow most freely and honestly. To write from the heart and soul, I’ll take pen, paper, and a gentle light source over a clacking keyboard and computer screen any day… at least until its time to edit and polish.

Let’s bring back cursive writing! Its good for one’s creativity, learning, and memory. I wouldn’t be the same person/writer without it.…
