
Reflections on Spring Light

Spring light has a gentle magic to it, as thought it were as new to the world as the fresh green leaves unfurling all around. Yet both the sun and leaves, and the dance between the two, are ancient beyond belief.

The Vanilla Leaf plants have emerged from the mossy forest floor, creating a micro forest all of their own. Sunlight, tentative and warm, filters through the trees onto them, like a gentle hand reaching down in awe to lightly touch a newborn face, a newborn world. The leaves stretch up in return, yearning for the caress.

Out in the open where the cherry tree grows, the light has a slightly different quality. It is more cheerful, smiling down onto the flower buds and the more frilly, fully opened party pink blooms. The adorned little twigs, swaying in the soft breeze, bring to mind a delighted little girl in a brand new tutu, her hands and shining face reaching up and out as she twirls.

The spring light reaches down. The newly emerged plants reach up. There is magic where they touch.

- Spring Light Writing Sanctuary
