
I can't express enough how much these prompts have been so good for inspiring me to get writing, and leaning into my inner poet again… it feels good!

Pocket knife

Oh beloved one

how gentle you are

your sweet innocent soul

kind eyes and generous heart

did not deserve to be treated that way

Oh beloved one

you deserved such love

compassion oozing from deep within 

stretching across oceans and loving everyone 

you encountered - as if they were an extension of you

You my beloved

did not deserve to be cut open

as a knife through butter, your heart scarred

your soul ripped apart by cruel words and devious actions

by counterfeit friends who pocket their sins like a knife folded and ready

Oh beloved one

your precious heart 

will mend, it will not feel 

this way forever, stay strong 

and know, that you can never be like them

Day 7 of February Poetry Adventure!

Prompt: Pocket Knife

(And, if it feels right for you, remember to share your poem and/or link to it in the comments so we can give it some love.)

P.S. It’s not too late to join in. :)
