The app for independent voices

These testimonies are so, so moving. I say again, they knew that the damage to people's lives would be massive, but did it anyway. THEY DO NOT CARE! They never did. They have an agenda and I am struggling to accept that. I don't want to say too much because I dont want to scare people, but they see us as shit on their shoes and they want rid. The jabs are harming and killing people and yet it continues. They do not acknowledge this and those dead or injured are not being compensated because THEY DO NOT CARE! I listen to these experiences with incredulity. It is so important that you are airing them. My heart goes out to those in the letters today. We need to fight these bastards. I feel so, so angry that they have caused all this heart ache and damage to so many and yet they've moved on now to Ukraine and how Putin is causing the cost of living crisis. Absolute BS! They have caused the crisis through their deliberate incompetence and deliberate policies to crash the economy and we are apparently acceptable collateral damage. I hope they rot in hell. I'm sorry, these are people's lives. Who on earth gave them the right to make these decisions? Thanks Abi xx

May 25, 2022
4:36 PM