Thank you Jon… again. This totally resonates with what I was mulling over with God this morning… to the (so elemental) conclusion and the incredible reminder that I cannot, and do not have to, order my desires , or get rid of them, by myself before I can obtain any level of union. Instead of being ashamed that they still dominate me too much, and somehow trying to hide them or disguise them from Him ( duh!) He reminded me this morning “your Heavenly Father knows what you need” and he wants to step into the working out of it with me, starting where I am now, with whatever level of defeat I may feel. I know it’s so basic! But shame over desire causes me to want to hide them from Him , instead He called me to bring them out into the open and let His light help me with them. The lightening of soul when I felt I had an ally instead of being a disappointment! Realized at a deeper level, that He not only wants union with me, but also union within the various parts of me… when desires and actions of body, mind and spirit are at odds with each other I am dis-integrated and union within and with Him is inhibited. But!!! “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But God is faithful and He will do it.” Wow. Thanks for the reaffirmation, blessings to you this day! Looking forward to saying hi again next week at regather !