Attention residents of MA, CT, ME, NH, RI and VT
You can show your opposition Germany’s new Self-ID law, effective 11/1, by sending this letter to Consul General Dr. Sonja Kreibich at the German Embassy in Boston.
Copy and paste the letter into the message box of this contact form:
Dear Consul General Dr. Sonja Kreibich,
Our attention today is on Germany.
On April 12, 2024, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany passed the so-called“Self-ID Act”, which will come into force on November 1, 2024.
Germany is one of the countries that ratified the UN Convention The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women “CEDAW“ and the “Istanbul Convention“ on the protection of women from sex-based violence. In addition, the sex-based rights of women are secured by the German Constitution, Article 3. This results in an unmistakable mandate for the German government to protect women and girls based on their sex.
The experiences of other countries with similar laws causes us great concern. The safety of women, children and girls is no longer guaranteed. (HERE A FEW EXAMPLES WITH SOURCES FROM YOUR OR OTHER COUNTRIES WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL)
We are guided here by the letter from Reem Alsaleem mentioned below.
How does the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany intend to prevent the negative effects that are occurring already today though the self-definition of sex entry due to a simple speech act?
How does the German Government intend to comply with its mandate to protect women and girls because of their female sex?
As we are aware of Germany's pioneering role in the EU and of the fact that Germany is setting a precedent in the EU with one of the most radical self-ID laws, we would like you to answer the following questions:
What protective measures has the German Federal Government taken to counteract or prevent human rights violations against women, children and girls that will result from the implementation of the Self-ID Act?
Will a register on sex-based violence be created in Germany that contains detailed information about perpetrators, victims and the relationship between them?
How will authorities ensure that information about sex is based on biological sex and not “gender identity”?
Sexual and sex-based violence is primarily perpetrated by men. How are women and girls, who have been victims of sexual and sex-based violence, protected from re-victimization??
What measures are being taken to protect the well-being of children and girls and to ensure the right to physical and mental integrity and freedom and protection from violence and coercion?
The prohibition of disclosure severely penalizes mentioning a person's actual sex if that person identifies as something they are not. What measures guarantee freedom of speech in connection with the implementation of the prohibition of disclosure?
What measures are being taken to ensure that homosexual women retain their right to spaces free of men and their right to assemble without men?
The UN Special Rapporteur on violence against girls and women - Reem Alsalem - had already sent a 17-page letter to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, addressed to the Department of Foreign Affairs,, in which she described her great concerns about the human rights threat to girls and women posed by the Self-ID Act, demanding statements as to how Germany wants to continue to guarantee the rights and safety of girls and women. Reem Alsalem also reminded the German Federal Government of its obligations under international law to protect children, girls and women based on sex. The letter has so far only received a three-page reply from the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic to the UN.
This is a shocking testimony to the little importance that the current German Federal Government attaches to the rights and safety of girls and women. Already in May, 413 international women's rights organizations from 7 countries criticized Germany's women's policy in the EU in an open letter and described many failures in a progressive women's policy.
We invite you to take part in our event in front of your embassy [or consulate] on November 1st at 12:05 p.m. to ... and talk to us.
Best regards,