The app for independent voices

Reality is fake. You can literally just fuck around on the Internet and make billionaires fight in a cage for the amusement of yourself and your friends.

Which is not to say that none of it matters, but what I am saying is that the typical disempowering narrative that people are made to buy into in the process of “growing up” is false. In our culture, the course of becoming a mature adult is considered to be realizing that the universe does not revolve around you, that you have no control over the script that the world’s dramas play out an enactment from, and you need to focus on more practical matters to tell your life’s story around. The career, the spouse, the kids, the house.

This is a lie. This is the biggest con job ever pulled off, that the individual has no hand in shaping the narrative of the culture around them, and that social status and material success is a prerequisite for happiness. The idea that culture is made for passive consumption is the very thing that is driving the culture straight into a landfill. There’s actually no shame whatsoever in forgoing the pursuit of worldly status and deciding that the world is a conspiracy engineered, by and for, you and a small group of your closest friends. It is the artists who are the cultural engineers; the biggest artists are all stealing their ideas from the small artists and repackaging them for mass cultural consumption.

Look at some of the most accomplished names in the world, do you think those people are happy? I will grant some of them probably are, most likely the quietest ones who keep to themselves and aren’t in the headlines every few weeks or few minutes, but that’s because they chose to do something they found personally meaningful with their lives. If Elon Musk was happy, he probably wouldn’t Tweet about how much he hates trans people all day to get back at the daughter who won’t talk to him and his gender-neutral ex who left him for a trans woman. If Andrew Tate was happy, he wouldn’t whine about how mean his mom was to him and how he’s “escaped the Matrix” while being arrested for sex trafficking charges.

There’s nothing wrong with going after success if it’s an extension of your will or part of doing your great work in the world. I like to think of the great work as what happens when an individual is in the process of apotheosis, when they are in the course of stripping away every lie that one person cannot make a difference in the world, or even that in order to make a difference they need to amass billions of dollars, recognition, prestige, titles or degrees. This is all bullshit, however, you may amass these things in the process of doing your great work.

These ideas have been articulated by many great eclectic thinkers throughout the ages, among them Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Aleister Crowley. I’m really not saying anything that hasn’t been said before, I’m just here to assure you that it’s completely true, coming from someone whose name you don’t know and who most people will never have heard of.

The writers are really going off the rails with this celebrity attention-grab, but I still vote we make them fight IN a cage ON a yacht WHILE the orcas are attacking it.

It is the year 2023. We are smashing the illusions straight open, and nobody can stop us.

Jun 22, 2023
4:38 PM