
So Substack, the time has come to share with you one of the main reasons I write.

When I was a young mom, 24, I gave birth to this amazing boy. It turns out he had a stroke before birth and was later diagnosed with a common disability- Cerebral Palsy.

To process all of it, the grief, the confusion, the struggle, the pain I turned to writing.

Writing allowed me to invite others into this strange world of unspoken paradoxes. Joy muddled with grief, ability with inability, grit with hesitation, unparalleled bravery with breathtaking fear.

In his nearly 13 years (can’t believe it!), through countless appointments, major surgeries and so many frustrations he has taught me more than I ever could have imagined. Much of how I write and what I write centers on these lessons learned and pondered upon at quiet moments spent in medical offices, phone calls, and long trips to experts.

We’re getting ready to embark on yet another journey- another surgery. A big one. I find myself struggling with paralysis before all the big decisions, calls, rehab and everything in between.

I plan to remain present here, and sharing. My weekly newsletter that is starting up in June will be more informal, and will share bits of this journey as well. So friends, please be praying for us. We need it ❤️
