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Here is evidence of PFizer fraud: Here is the original PFizer document that was submitted to the FDA for that EUA approval for the mRNA jab.

look at the LAST page (28) in the section that starts in bold "Assays for assessment of immunogenicity endpoints"

The beginning of second paragraph in this section reads "Data demonstrating the ability of the modified COVID-19 vaccine to induce a neutralizing antibody response are needed, as a scientific matter. "

What this means in non-orwellian English is that they have no information about whether or not the shot will be neutralizing ; meaning stop infection spread and transmission.


THis story just broke where a pfizer exec admitted to the euro-parliament that they didnt study it.

Tucker Carlson coverd it on Tuesday .

But what these people are MISSING is this: The pfzier admission said that they didnt study it because they were in a RUSH. "we had to move at the speed of science' said this pfizer executive in her appearance before the euro union gov.

BUT Pfizier has been studying and making vaccines for decades. covid is a respiratory infection and in order to have a sterlilzing immune response your body has to make the specific IgA type of antibodies which are specific to the mucosal skin in the nose and throat and lungs. A shot WILL NOT DO THIS.

In fact there is a disease found in chickens called Mareks disease and other respiratory infections of food animals and various groups have tried to create effective vaccines for these aninal illnesses and they have all failed.

SO my point is that Pfizer had to have known, they must have known that this shot would probably not created mucosal secretory IgA immunity that would facilitate herd immunity. But in this line at the END of their EUA submission, they intentionally buried this fact at the end and dismissed it in an of the cuff comment... " as a scientific matter", like it was not urgent or important to know right now. When in fact the ability of the jab to create sterilizing immunity was the KEY to everything. It was they justification for all the coercion.

I would assert that PFizer knew this and minimized it and made it appear non-urgent

Their statement comes across as professional and scientific when really its just cover for a massive fraud.

THey knew the shot would not stop infection but they sold it and pushed it anyway b/c they knew that the population would require endless boosters and other drugs like paxlovid.

ITs the greatest fraud in human history

Oct 13, 2022
9:20 PM