Man Science 

Man science shares research-backed information to help men live longer and healthier. We cover fitness, lifestyle, mental health and disease prevention.

We waste so much time wondering if we can, rather than just doing the thing. I see this often with running, lifting, fasting, eating healthier, sleeping better, eating less sugary foods and many other lifestyle changes.

If you’ve not started something, of course it will feel like you can’t do it. That’s how being a beginner works. I mean, I don’t think I can fly a plane. But give me a few years and I’ll be captaining a 747.

Stop wondering whether you can make a change. The only thing it accompl…

If you are considering testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), keep in mind that it’s male contraceptive. It slows down your body’s sperm making engine. If you are thinking of starting a family soon, don’t touch TRT. It can take up to a year or more for sperm count to recover after stopping TRT.

If you really need the testosterone boost …

Should You Get Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Considering TRT? Read this first.

Should You Get Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Intermittent fasting completely changed my relationship with food. I went from constant hunger and cravings to not thinking about food the entire day.

From improved blood sugar control to weight loss and longevity, here are 5 reasons why you should be fasting.

Why You Should Be Fasting

Happy & Healthy Monday everyone. What three things, big or small, are you planning to do this week to get healthier?


  1. I want to get back to daily intermittent fasting. Will start with a 14hr fasting window, then slowly ramp back up to 16 or 18hrs.

  2. Cut back on wheat. Will do a post on this soon.

  3. More time chilling with family - my mental health badly needs it.

There many hidden/silent diseases that progress quietly and only show symptoms when a lot of damage has happened. I recently wrote about heart disease and how decades of atherosclerosis slowly clogs arteries with deadly plaques. »

Other ‘silent’ diseases include osteoporosis, kidney disease, and Alzheimer’s. Teach…

How Plaques in Arteries Form, Grow and Rupture

Friday newsletter delayed 😔 but here’s an infographic on the four stages of fasting. Most people experience stages 1 & 2 through intermittent fasting. But you should occasionally fast for 24-72hrs (if it’s safe) to experience stages 3 & 4.

Fasting has so many health benefits, and we'll be talking about those in our Friday deep-dive post. For today, I want you to try fasting, STARTING TOMORROW. It's easier than you think.

How to Start Fasting Tomorrow

Your lifestyle doesn’t just cause arteries to clog with cholesterol plaques, it also determines how deadly those plaques are when they rupture.

Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a sedentary lifestyle increase what’s called systemic thrombogenicity. They make it more likely that dangerous clots will form when a plaque bursts.


How Plaques in Arteries Form, Grow and Rupture

One of our best pieces so far. A step by step explanation of how plaques form, grow and burst to cause heart disease and stroke. Let me know what you think in the comments. I welcome any corrections/clarifications from doctors

How Plaques in Arteries Form, Grow and Rupture

Cases of colorectal cancer are surging in young people. Researchers are not exactly sure why. It could be a combination of factors including obesity, high alcohol use, and sedentary lifestyle. Another possible reason is that we are eating way less fiber than we are supposed to.

It's not just colorectal cancer; a low-fiber diet is linked t…

Seriously, Eat More Fiber

Excessive weight gain kills libido, can cause ED and it affects male fertility. Here's how.

Your Weight is Killing Your Libido