I have been following the climate debate for around 30 years now and quickly moved from someone who was originally alarmed to someone who is still alarmed, not about any marginal levels of temperature rise but around the political response to a minor issue (IMHO). But you cannot convince a true believer. They are simply totally convinced that the establishment position is correct on this topic and that any dissenters like me are tin foil hat conspiracy theorists.
I have come to the conclusion that 30 years of propaganda and brain washing, - starting in schools and relentlessly pursued through the media and supported by a politicised scientific establishment - have created a mass delusion that no amount of facts, logic or rational sceptcism can dent. It is the new religion with its notions of original sin, purgatory and redemption. It is part of a value system - not a scientific and economic debate framed by political choices. It is part and parcel of the west's general delusions in a post fact world.
I place less reliance on the power of the "global elites" to mastermind our futures than many who haunt these sites. Nevertheless the WEF strongly supports the Malthusian solutions proposed to this "climate crisis". These are anti-human and coercive, and will reduce human population, wealth, health and happiness - and generally support the power of the state over indiviuals and families.
As a long time "climate sceptic" I used to argue that the problems was wildy exagerrated and the proposed solutions counter-productive if not actually dangerous. I realise that this was a hopeless position. The belief system is too far ingrained. I don't bother now. The realists have lost.