
I was reviewing some recent data in HRV4Training Pro as I am racing a 50 km tomorrow (if you’ve been following, it hasn’t been the best summer training wise, but things are back on track since a few weeks, and I’m excited for the race!).

Anyways, back to my original point, I was looking at a recent increase in HRV, together with increased training load (see image below)

This is exactly the response I was hoping for, in this phase. The assumption that load should go the opposite way of HRV (e.g. high load = low HRV) is a common misconception. A good response to high load typically is a stable or slightly higher HRV

Something important to keep in mind, which I discuss in more detail here:

Should Heart Rate Variability (HRV) be negatively correlated with training load?
Sep 13
7:04 AM