
case is the equivalent of the Assange case for satirists. If Germany succeeds in imposing this Sophie’s choice of a 60-day incarceration or 3,600 euros fine for TWO BLOODY TWEETS, that is the end of satire as we know it—at least in Germany and other countries that have weaponized “hate” speech laws against those courageous enough to expose the authoritarian practices of their governments. For daring to draw valid historical comparisons with present-day policies and trying to STOP the advance of fascism, CJ is being charged with furthering “the aims of a former National Socialist Organization.”

Anyone who has read even a single column by CJ knows the opposite is emphatically the case, as is made crystal-clear in my Dissident Dialogues interview with him from last year:…

I have written repeatedly about the weaponization of the “anti-semite” label to silence dissidents because it is such a danger to those seeking to expose totalitarianism and has been used to crush innocents like poor Clemens Arvay (…) and threaten credible scientific voices like Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (…).

We must stand with CJ just as we must stand for Assange (… and…) as their persecution is not only about the vilification of innocents for daring to speak out but threatens the future of satire, journalism, and free speech for all human beings on this increasingly tyrannical planet.


“No amount of drugs exist that if consumed would allow a rational person to conclude that the writing of C.J. Hopkins furthers ‘the aims of a former National Socialist Organization.’ Agree with him or not, and I increasingly do, he used his imagery to compare the sweeping declarations of emergency power that were common around the world during the pandemic (and were particularly authoritarian in Germany) to Nazi tactics.”
Madness: American Satirist C.J. Hopkins Sentenced in German Speech Case