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I challenged Glenn on his position regarding the injections in the comments of his December 23, 2021, post (…):

“I know you have been vocal about fighting back against mandates, Glenn, but I did not realize you were still advocating for the vaccines themselves—despite overwhelming and harrowing evidence of mass harm (see margaretannaalice.subst… and margaretannaalice.subst… for starters).

“I truly hope you will clarify your stance on this subject and, if needed, re-evaluate your position based on the escalating scientific evidence that these injections are both unsafe and ineffective.

“Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, Glenn. It takes integrity to reconsider your position in light of new scientific proof contradicting what you were initially led to believe by BigPharma propaganda.”

That was before David became ill, and when Glenn announced his diagnosis, I saw a few people were gently recommending Paul Marik’s protocol, so my hope was he would look into that. It didn’t feel right to browbeat him about the matter when he was wrapped up in the trauma of caring for David, so pointing him in the direction of healing protocols seemed a more compassionate approach.

Once David died, I knew he would be too grief-stricken to listen objectively to concerns about the likely cause and would perceive them as insensitive attacks at an inappropriate time. I figured he needs to arrive at the point where he’s ready to investigate the matter for himself.

Just as

has bravely reconsidered his position in light of evidence, I hope Glenn will work up the courage to do so before he subjects himself and his family to further injections.

Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative
Oct 2, 2023
3:43 AM