
I appreciate your perspective on this,

. I respect people on both sides of this debate and and am happy to engage in dialogue with people of differing views on this and any other topic.

My own focus is on propaganda, and within that framework, I know language is used to control people’s perceptions of reality, so calling what occurred during COVID a “pandemic” was the precept used to justify all ensuing tyranny and democidal policies. I have been exposing this linguistic manipulation of perception to induce thought-stifling fear since my first Substack article in April 2021:…

In “What If They Threw a Pandemic & Nobody Came?” (…), I cite extensively from a 2009 Forbes article titled “The Pandemic Is Political” in which Michael Fumento observes:

“As evidence continues to mount that swine flu is more of a piglet than a raging razorback, why isn’t curiosity mounting as to why the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic? And definitions aside, why does the agency continue to insist we’re going to get hammered? The answers have far less to do with world health than with redistribution of world wealth.”

He notes:

“Medically, the pandemic moniker is unjustifiable. When the sacrosanct World Health Organization (WHO) made its official declaration in June, we were 11 weeks into the outbreak, and swine flu had only killed 144 people worldwide …

“So how could WHO make such an outrageous claim?

“Simple. It rewrote the definition of ‘pandemic.’

“A previous official definition (and widely used unofficial one) required ‘simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.’ Severity—that is, the number—is crucial, because seasonal flu always causes worldwide simultaneous epidemics. But one promulgated in April just days before the announcement of the swine flu outbreak simply eliminated severity as a factor.”

This 2009 redefinition during the swine flu dress rehearsal set the stage for the globally coordinated fear campaign and is what enabled them to impose tyranny so swiftly in 2020. (Mistakes Were NOT Made.)

The reason it is important to push back against calling what occurred during COVID a “pandemic” is because that term generates the fear, panic, and legal parameters that permit wide-scale totalitarianism. That triggering term will be used during the next escalation to tyranny under the guise of public health, which will be even more dangerous if WHO is endowed with the one-world supranational powers it is presently seeking.

’s research makes it clear there was no impact on mortality from COVID itself but only in direct relation to the lethal protocols. When we call what happened during COVID a “pandemic,” we lend cover to the perpetrators of these murderous policies and obscure the fact that the deaths were human-caused rather than disease-caused, and this not only deters our efforts to hold the perpetrators accountable but paves the path for rinse-and-repeat atrocities (… and…).

Instead, we need to lay bare the artifice of the propaganda-concocted illusion that there was a dangerous contagious disease and help people see what would have happened had conventional approaches been applied. This is what I tried to capture in “A Very Boring Story About What Could Have Been in Under 200 Words,” and I encourage everyone to spend two minutes watching Visceral Adventure’s delightful animation of my short story and then share it to help us make this a reality for future so-called pandemics:…

Focused take-down of the bad guys
Some words and re-iterations
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8:42 AM
Jan 19, 2024