I know how much you’ve suffered these past eight months,

, but you’ve alchemized that suffering into one of the finest and most important speeches decrying totalitarianism I’ve ever read, and to do so in the context of a judicial court in this farce of a case adds an exquisitely triumphant finale to this drama. This may be your best play yet. This was the theater of life, and you delivered a speech worthy of going down in history alongside Thoreau’s “On Civil Disobedience.”

Bravo, CJ, and enjoy a well-deserved rest!

The Verdict
So, my show trial for thoughtcrimes in criminal court in New Normal Germany went pretty well. I was acquitted. Technically, it isn’t all over, because the prosecutor has a week to appeal the decision, but, given the circumstances, I doubt he will. He made a total fool of himself in front of a large audience yesterday. I can’t imagine that he will want to do that again.