
I have had the privilege of corresponding with Heather (

) and Cody (), and they are two of the bravest, kindest, most resilient individuals I know. They are also fellow bibliophiles and cat-lovers.

This post is long, but I urge you to read it in full. For all they have suffered, the least we can do is bear witness to the agonizing, life-threatening injuries Cody is enduring. Heather has devoted her life to learning everything she possibly can to help Cody and other vaxx-injured victims. Her research on lipid nanoparticles is the most extensive I have encountered.

If anyone can save Cody, it’s Heather. But they need our help to stay afloat. It is only $30 for an annual subscription and $50 to become a Founding Member of her valuable Substack. Please subscribe and donate to their GiveSendGo if you can:

“our dear friends who lost their son sixteen days after his COVID shot showed us a city you had never been to. They always tell me, ‘You have your son. It may be hard, and it isn’t how it should be, but you have your son; he is still alive; our son is gone.’ Knowing how precious each day is for us to have you here, they wanted us to make memories and give you hope, no matter how sick you are. So, they took you to a beautiful Japanese garden that their son, who passed away, used to love to go to with them. You walked slowly and with your cane, holding onto each of us as needed. We took our time and were in the shade. We saw giant Koi, wild iguanas, and Japanese Zen gardens. It was perfect. It was just what you needed. You were shown love and kindness. It took a lot out of you, but we all were there to support you. You desperately needed this kindness. They are a blessing and it is a miracle that they can show kindness even though they suffered such loss.”
Congress, the CDC, the FDA, and the HHS have left the vaccine injured in similar legal circumstances to Guantanamo detainees, dehumanized, no rights, no redress, and more. U.S. citizens are abandoned.